Press Release: Interactive Story
Kids Step into a Virtual World with Foto Master’s Latest Product NYC, USA – November 11, 2014
As kids, we took everything we experienced during the day and gave it new meaning in our dreams at night. In that state, we experienced events in a dreamy world, an imaginary world in which emotions, knowledge & interactions were processed easily without interference from the outside world. It’s extremely important to nurture imagination from a young age with stimulation, interactions a lots of small victories. With every stimulation, children acquire personal and social skills, cultivate their creativity and expand their intellectual and emotional skills. That’s exactly what we set out to do when we built Foto Master’s Interactive Story. We wanted to create an interactive virtual environment that will take kids to another world and fuel their imagination! You can imagine the impact of stepping into an alternative virtual world for the first time, they are simply amazed. Interactive story has animated stories in different environments rolling out on it; each element on the screen reacts to their moves and is a part of a larger scheme. It’s an amazing experience and in the end they get an amazing souvenir - their picture inside the story.
How Interactive Story Works?
Easy as 1, 2, 3…Step 1
They begin by standing in front of a big screen that displays a closed book cover. Once the interactive story camera detects them, the book opens and the first interactive page reveals itself.Step 2
Interactive story’s green screen background technology removes the background even without a green screen backdrop and superimpose them inside the story. Participants instantly find themselves in an amazing digital environment. Here are the worlds they can interact with:Out in the Field: A field full of flowers and butterflies all buzzing around them. Under Water: An underwater kingdom with fish, mermaids and all sorts of marine life swimming about them. Lost in Space: Surrounded by the vastness of space on an alien world full of funny stars, planets and flying saucers. Princess Castle: They find themselves in a princess castle with a real princess, a funny dragon and her father the king. All in an enchanted medieval look and feel.
While the scenario rolls, interactive characters surround them and interactive objects that they can touch and use pop on the screen. After a predefined time, the book flips a page and they progress to other worlds.Step 3
As an optional souvenir, the interactive story can produce at any time a photo of the interaction and creates an unforgettable memory. Custom pages (worlds) are also available and can serve as an excellent way to deliver fun in a way that includes branded elements for retail stores, educational messages for interactive museums and themed experiences for theme parks. Check out this video and see how it looks like!-
- New Green Screen Technology that doesn't require a backdrop
- A number of kids can play at once
- Accurate and fast gestures detection
- 4 Different Worlds for the kids to explore
- Hidden settings
- Incredible sound effects
- Each world has its own theme song
- Print a snapshot as a party favor
- Save a snapshot of the experience
- Optional - world (pages) customization
- Story Branding
- Branded Animations
- Built in animations customization
Check out the available Interactive Story worlds
Each page contains a different world. There are 4 interactive pages/worlds available. Foto Master will present interactive story this year at IAAPA 2014 (Orlando, Florida) from November 18- 21.
To view and play with Interactive Story first Hand make sure to visit Booth 4275, you can also set up a meeting prior to the event and have interactive story all for yourself!
About Foto Master LTD
Established by Boaz Telem and Ron Malkin in 2010, Foto Master provides cutting-edge software-based attractions for events, entertainment centers, museums and basically anywhere fun all over the world. The duo set out to merge the worlds of tech and entertainment after years of experience in both fields. They have worked for leading technology companies and worked closely with one of the world’s largest inflatable attraction rental company for years. The feedback they received for earlier products made them realize the huge market opportunity and they jumped right in. They worked day and night to develop digital & interactive products that generated buzz, increased brand awareness and generated personalized souvenirs.
You Can Contact Boaz Telem at: boaz@fotomasterltd.com +1 646 233 3371