Your Story – My Keynote
Foto Master is going to be exhibiting at the Photo Booth Expo in Las Vegas next month. Further more, Boaz is going to give a Keynote on the first day between 4pm-5pm. The keynote is: “Differentiate Yourself From Your Competition We see it all the time, competitors offer services almost for free. Is it all about the price? Is it all about who gives a better service? Is there a way to make more money if we get to know our software better? Boaz will demonstrate and show examples of how Foto Master’s customers won amazing jobs by knowing their software better.”
We have gathered great stories from customers on how their knowledge in software features helped them pitch and win amazing events. The software features in a combination with the client creative mind, gives them the advantage. We want to mention you on stage as well! If you have an interesting story on how knowing your software helped you close amazing events and win amazing jobs.
Please email me to boaz@fotomasterltd.com
For those that asked to see the expo agenda, here it is: http://thephotoboothexpo.com/conference-seminar-agenda/