Foto Master's Photo Booth Software V4, Mirror Me Edition
What You Can Expect
Photo Filters Add a magic touch to your photo! The Mirror Me software now offers five different filter effects to add to your photo. Choose to keep your photo as is, or add a special effect with the black & white, sepia, extra-sharp, pencil sketch options. This feature is an exciting addition as it allows users the chance to edit their picture directly from the mirror. You can add a specific filter on all photos which is great to add to an event’s theme - think: an extravagant old-fashioned party in black & white, or you can give users the option to choose their desired filter.
Direct Editing We’ve added a direct editing feature, which allows you to set and control how your photo overlay will look. You can now add text and images, edit the font, the positioning, and the angles to your liking - directly in the software! This makes customization even more simple as you can see how the photos are being manipulated as you play around.
Retake Your Photo We understand, you don’t always get the photo right on the first try. Behold; the “Retake” button! This new addition comes in handy for users who may have had their eyes shut or who simply want a second chance for that perfect photo-op. Like all of our features, the retake button is optional to include, so if you want to keep the action going the choice is yours.
New Design We put a modern twist on our playful animations. The interactive countdown and “Touch Here to Start” animations now have a fresh new look that are sure to entice your guests. Edits have also been made to the visual elements in the layout builder, making the user interface even more convenient for a seamless experience.
Event Triggers An event trigger has been added, allowing you to trigger to the next state straight from an animation. You can take the user experience to a whole new level by including games and apps with your .swf files. Add a game of Tic-Tac-Toe to the workflow for interaction, or an app to gather feedback. You can even expand to different markets by including a feedback app. Take a poll and ask guests their opinions on - for example - how they liked the store, clothes, etc.
Direct E-Mailing The new email feature is an exciting one for many. The Mirror Me software now allows your guests to email their photo directly from the mirror as soon as they’re done. We’ve included a php email script to share with our customers so you can now use your own hosting for email sending. This gives guests the opportunity to send their photo, video recording, video from photos, and GIF.
Even MORE New Animations! With all of the new additions and features in the latest version of the Mirror Me software, we had to have brilliant new animations created to go along. Take a look at our video below to see what you can accomplish with the impressive Mirror Me Booth!
Full Change Log
- Created 15 new animations
- Added handles around the visual layout elements in the photo layout (to drag/scale/move photos & visual elements with your mouse).
- Now you can add as many photos as you want (JPG/PNG) to the new layout system.
- Now you can add as much text as you want to the new layout system.
- The visual layout elements in the layout builder have been redesigned to a more convenient UI to control them without the need to scroll.
- You can now control the Z Index of the visual elements by simply dragging and dropping to change the order of them.
- Advanced option per visual element has been added to the layout. You can now control:
- Alpha
- Specific Filter Per Photo
- Place Holder Color
- Aspect Ratio
- For External Image:
- Alpha
- Change Image File Path
- Font Text: (Font family from the computer fonts, text colour, font size, label)
- A “Retake” button has been added, now once you select the "Raw Preview" feature in the workflow, you can select how many steps back you'd like to take with the “Cancel” button.
- A 'Filter' feature has been added. You can now apply a filter in one of 4 ways:
- Auto-apply your selected filter on all photos
- Allow the guest to apply their desired filter on all photos under 'Preview' feature.
- Allow the guest to apply their desired filter on 'Last Raw Preview' state per photo.
- Specifically apply a filter per photo in the layout builder.
- Five filters have been added:
- Black and White
- Sepia
- Extra Sharp
- Pencil
- Normal
- An event trigger has been added. This allows you to trigger the next state straight from an animation. Those .swf files can be more than animations now, they can be a small app or a game. Once the game/app is complete, you can trigger to the next state (which can be whatever you want it to be). This can be used, for example; to get feedback from the guest running a feedback app with a slider for them to select how they liked the store, clothes, etc., or can even be used as a game. Once the user is finished playing, it will trigger to the next state.
- Created a game of Tic-Tac-Toe that uses the new event trigger mechanism.
- New Email feature has been added, now you can email:
- Email Final Photo
- Email Video
- Email Gif
- Email Video from Photos
- A disclaimer feature has been added to the Email feature.
- A php email script is now shared with FotoMaster customers to use their own hosting for email sending.
- Re-designed the software tabs and added new separation of features/triggers/effects/layout builder/presets/workflow builder.
- Added margins to the printer section so now you can set margins of your printed layout directly from the software.
- 'Scream' feature can now be duplicated for strips
- CTRL+P has been fixed and now you can print the last session.
- Special characters are now disabled in the event and preset name creation.
- The loading presets: look for just .xml files and ignore any other file.
- Removed the background color of the list items in the multi preset selection screen.