Foto Master's Photo Booth Software V10, Mirror Me Edition
Software Change Log
New Features
- Added support for the latest Canon SDK 13 (All the new Canon SDK supported cameras)
- Added Draw on Burst Video
- New Animated Stamps Folder Added with Cool Animated Stamps for the Burst Video Drawing
- Reorder & Resize (enlarge) the email virtual Keyboard for improved accessibility
- Animation Preview in Workflow Tab
- Animation Preview in Random Animations Window
- Search presets in the presets tab
- Global Settings Tab (Override Preset Settings)
- Added support to auto upload to a server via FTP
- Built-in Photo Mosaic Wall Agent to monitor and send files to Photo Mosaic Wall
- Added multi printers support per preset
- Added additional test photos for use when the DSLR camera is disconnected
- Added Canon Full Control via the software
- Added support to MMS via carrier to support free MMS
- Added duplicate layout for using a 6x2 design
- Added support for Real-Time Change of the Multi Presets
- Added support to mp4 file for thumbs background (multi preset selection screen background)
- Added text editing options to the photo layout (Bold, Italic, underline)
- Added support to text and email of Raw photos
- Added support to Limit prints per event
- Added support to timeout per session
- The installation file is now named with the version number
- Added support to printing the analytics tab for the end client
- CTRL+D will now duplicate the layout and print from the gallery (for 6x2 layouts)
- Added support to path does not exist alert in Multi Presets mode
- Added support to 1:1 Photo aspect ratio
- Added TouchPoints for easy access to software functions
- Added New Nayax Payment trigger: Restart Workflow
- Added New Layout Element: Horizontal/Vertical Mirror Image
- Added Mirror Row Image to GIF/Video from Photos
New Content
- Added 29 New Animations (Total of 400 premium animations)
- New Male Voice-over to ALL 400 animations
- Added 15 Multi Presets background animations
- Added 56 Serbian animations
- Added 80 Portuguese animations
- Added 54 new Overlays
- Added 7 new Dynamic GIF Overlays
- Added 6 new nonlinear animations variations
- Added Augmented_Reality feature presets and Multi-Preset
- Added Digital_Signage presets and assets and Multi-Preset
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with mp4 videos animations flicker when looping to start
- Fixed an issue with animated GIF & boomerang not previewing smoothly
- Fixed an issue with clicking Add Number and texting when the field is empty
- Fixed an issue when a preset without “save photo” was the first one in multi presets, the multi preset screen was not showing, and the preset started after the alert on “save photo” state does not exist
- Fixed an issue with the settings windows size changing from preset to preset (now it’s global)
- Fixed an issue with videos from photos not saving if “Reload Raw Photos” state exists
- Improved several defaults including animation time and export sizes
- Added support to new Nayax changes