Video Flip V9 Is Now Released To Early Adopters & Beta Users
We are very happy and excited to share with our beta users and early adopters the revolutionary V9 that you all have been waiting for.
Below is V9 Change Log:
- Added Event mechanism to create events and settings per event. All the outputs will be saved under the event.
- Amazing & Improved white labeling component that allows you to fully customize the logo and backgrounds and buttons and every small to big asset in the software. Make it look like your customer’s custom software or yours if you desire. The software comes with 2 premium out of the box new styles: Dark / Light.
- Now you can change the time of the recording.
- Now you can change the number of frames per flipbook.
- Support in new Cameras: DSLR & Kinect for XBOX One & Webcam, choose any you desire.
- Support in any printer: Choose to use a Color Laser Printer or Dye Sub Printer switching is easy and we provide out of the box presets for each.
- Offer Photo Print at the same time that you offer Flipbooks. We added a photo layout system that allows you to up-sale and charge more per event by offering not just flipbooks but also photos at the same time from the same software.
- New Video Overlay Feature that will blow the mind of the guest, we provide 20 out of the box videos overlay. Example below (she is not really in my room! she is virtual!!)
- New Background list with 20 new video backgrounds.
- New background removal algorithm without green screen using the Kinect for XBox One.
- Improved QR Code control for Event On The Cloud Sharing.
- Even better UI and user friendly layouting to allow self serve experience by the guest.
- MP4 video saved in less than 1 second.
- GIF File Saving.
- Audio recording alongside with the videos.
- Save Photo option.
- New enable/disable feature that allows auto saving and quick bypass on steps in the workflow.
- Removed the Print state that was unneeded.
- New shortcuts for printing one page only if something happened to it.
- Better support in full screen and windows size control.
- Better control in the flipbook image area to resize it to fit the whole card of as much as you wish.
- And many many more new features….